



Today I announced that we will be delaying the launch of the pre-travel testing program to Sept. 1. This decision was made in collaboration with the four county mayors, and several factors contributed to this decision:

  • 米国本土、特にハワイの主要マーケットである、カリフォルニアで感染が急速に加速しており、多くの地域で制限を再強化している。The mainland is seeing large, uncontrolled outbreaks in some of Hawaiʻi’s main visitor markets including California, and many of these communities are increasing restrictions and rolling back reopening plans. 
  • ハワイ州内の感染者数が増加している。Hawaiʻi is seeing an increase in cases.
  • 米国本土での感染増加に伴い、ハワイ州へのテスト キットの供給に影響がでている。先週本土からのテスト キットの到着に遅れが生じた。he outbreaks on the mainland are affecting our testing supply, and last week we experienced an interruption in our supply chain from the mainland.
  • 8月に予定してる学校再開によって、州内の感染者数が増大すると見込んでいる。We anticipate an uptick in cases when schools re-open in August.         

This was an extremely difficult decision to make. Last week, I reported on our state’s looming financial crisis, and this delay will further hurt our economy. But I have always said, we will make decisions based on the best available science and facts prioritizing the health and safety of Hawaiʻi’s residents. And the county mayors and I agree this delay is essential to protect our community. 

More Details on Pre-Travel Testing Program 到着前の検査プログラムについて

コロナウィルスを検知するための、多段階のスクリーニング過程の中で、到着前の検査プログラムは非常に重要であると考えています。この部分は、大分具体的になってきており、以前よりも詳細な情報が提供できるようになりました。We still feel that the pre-travel testing program will be an important part of our multi-layered screening process to protect your health. We’ve made good progress and have some new details regarding the Pre-Travel Testing Program:

  • 9月1日より、出発72時間前までに実施した、コロナウィルステストの陰性検査結果を有している到着者は、14日間の隔離義務を免除する。Starting Sept. 1, travelers will be exempt from the 14-day quarantine if they test negative after taking a COVID-19 test no more than 72 hours in advance of travel. 
  • テストはCLI認定を受けている検査機関で行われ、核酸増幅検査もしくはNAAT(毒素遺伝子検査)であること。
    The test must be a nucleic acid amplification test or NAAT test conducted at a CLIA-certified laboratory. 
  • ハワイ到着時に検査結果が出ていない場合には、検査結果がでるまで隔離義務は免除とならない。検査結果が陰性であり、ハワイ州がそれを確認できれば、その時点から隔離は免除となる。If test results are not available by the time of arrival in Hawaiʻi, the traveler will remain in quarantine until their test results are received. If the test results are negative and can be verified, the traveler will then be exempt from the quarantine. 
  • 全ての旅行者は出発前の検査義務が適用される。すべての年齢の子供も対象となる。All travelers are subject to the pre-test requirement, including children of all ages. 
  • テスト費用は旅行者負担である。Travelers are responsible for the cost of the test.
  • ハワイ州の空港では検査は行わない。No commercial testing will be provided at Hawaiʻi airports.

Our Multi-Layered Screening Process 多段階 スクリーニング過程について
As mentioned before, other screening measures upon arrival to Hawaiʻi will include: ハワイ州に到着時に以下を行います。

  • 検温Temperature Checks:
    Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, or anyone experiencing COVID-19-related symptoms, will have to go through a secondary screening at the airport with trained healthcare staff. 
  • ハワイ州旅行者健康申告書State Traveler Health Form: 
    旅行者はハワイ州が新たなに定めた書類を記入し、到着時に提出しなければならない。avelers are required to fill out the a new travel and health form, which will be collected at the arrival gate.  

Everyone is Responsible in the Fight Against COVID-19 コロナウィルスに一致団結して立ち向かうために。


I want to emphasize that delaying the pre-travel testing program was not an easy decision. The recent uptick in cases should serve as a wakeup call for us all that COVID-19 is still a serious threat in our community and we all need to continue to take personal responsibility in our interactions. This means maintaining physical distancing, washing your hands, wearing your masks, staying home if you feel sick and avoiding large gatherings. 


The only way we are going to be successful in the fight against COVID-19 is if we all work together as a community. So please, take care of yourself, take care of each other, and most importantly, take care of our community.

